I feel like a kid writing something like this about their favorite athlete. But I can’t help it. Jalen Hurts has become one of my biggest inspirations since my time in grad school at USC. He’s a genuine human being who understands life. What inspires me about him is his will to triumph over all adversity with class and confidence.
With life being chaotic during these uncomfortable times, I remember to control what I can control and keep the main thing the main thing. Thank you for teaching me that, Jalen.
I think it’s pretty funny to say a 22-year-old country boy from Houston, Texas, who loves football inspires me to chase my dreams with intention and faith. But it’s true.
Growing up a fan of the Alabama Crimson tide, he was one of the players my family instantly fell in love with since stepping onto Byrant- Denny stadium his freshman year. Jalen holds the characteristics of being a steadfast leader with a stern motivation who practices sacrificial discipline.
Jalen’s career at Alabama and Oklahoma can be classified as unprecedented. He has been dealt unfavorable cards from the hands of college football, and I have firsthand seen him take over a team and lead them to a championship after everyone said he couldn’t.
This isn’t a sports story talking about his stats or how he manages his time in the pocket. No, this is me expressing my gratitude for his existence. We can talk about rushing yards and throws all day, but I want to tell Jalen that he is one of a kind. Thank you for being a role model that my family, yes, my family, can look up to. Thanks for being such an uplifting and encouraging guy on and off the camera.
I can’t wait to watch him lead the Eagles to a Superbowl one day and write his biography. Ya, I have that much faith in him. I believe it’s just the beginning for this rare breed. Jalen is a star rising that can’t be miss. When I graduate from USC with my master’s in sports journalism, you will be mentioned in my thank you speech.